XML import

Basic guidelines

In Client section there is an option to upload a XML file containing packet data. It is suitable for import complete packet data including customs declaration.

The file needs to conform to the following rules:

  • The structure of the file has to correspond to the XML schema definition which contains brief descriptions of particular fields.
  • Currently supported version is 1.
  • Accepted file encoding is UTF-8.

XML file example

<parcels version="1">
    <parcel> <!-- address delivery example -->
            <street>Yellow street</street>
            <city>Sun city</city>
    <parcel> <!-- address delivery incl. customs declaration data example -->
            <street>Rocky street</street>
            <city>Swiss city</city>
            <attribute name="ead" value="create"/>
            <attribute name="deliveryCost" value="32"/>
            <attribute name="invoiceNumber" value="1234"/>
            <attribute name="invoiceIssueDate" value="2021-06-01"/>
            <attribute name="isDocument" value="true"/>
            <attribute name="mrn" value="32"/>
            <document type="eadFile" filename="ead-2021-06-01.pdf">Base64 encoded file content</document>
            <document type="invoiceFile" filename="invoice-1234.pdf">Base64 encoded file content</document>
                    <attribute name="countryOfOrigin" value="CZ"/>
                    <attribute name="customsCode" value="01012100"/>
                    <attribute name="productName" value="Kniha"/>
                    <attribute name="productNameEn" value="Book"/>
                    <attribute name="unitsCount" value="2"/>
                    <attribute name="value" value="100.0"/>
                    <attribute name="weight" value="2.5"/>
                    <attribute name="isFoodBook" value="true"/>
                    <attribute name="isVoc" value="false"/>
                <attribute name="customsCode" value="800800800"/>
                <attribute name="value" value="140"/>