Branch export version 4


The feed contains data about all the currently open branches. You can access the feed via following URLs:

Only two-letter ISO 639-1 format is allowed for LANGUAGE parameter, e.g. cs, en, sk.

You can find the XML export's schema here:


You can also download a simplified CSV export which contains only basic fields. You can access it via following URL:

Address delivery

The above exports only include standard branches, since they are primarily used to generate a list of options for the end user to pick from. However, if you wish to use our services for address delivery, whether just in the Czech Republic or in other countries as well, you will need to download a list of address delivery options.

Address delivery option is represented by a branch entry and is also treated like one when creating a packet entry in our system. You just use its ID as you would with a standard branch.

You can access the address delivery options using URL parameter address-delivery like this:

NOTE: You can also use the parameter for the other export formats.


The version 4 introduces following changes compared to version 3:

  • Attribute nameStreet is no longer supplied. Use name instead.
  • Attribute noticeMessage is no longer supplied. Refer to status instead.
  • Added attribute creditCardPayment.
  • Added container status in branch with attributes statusId and description in chosen language (language is set by GET parameter lang).
  • Added attribute displayFrontend in branch which indicates whether the branch is supposed to be shown to the end customer.
  • Carriers are now always displayed as carrier in separate XML container carriers, which is on the same level as branches. Carriers contain different set of attributes than branches.
  • GET parameter type is not needed anymore as it was removed.

Export specification

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<export xmlns="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
            <phone>+420 123 123 123</phone>
            <businessHours>Po-Pá 08:00 – 20:00 hod.</businessHours>
            <phone>+421 321 321 321</phone>
            <businessHours>Po-Pi 9:00 – 19:00 hod.</businessHours>
            <name>Prague 1, Teststreet 1</name>
            <special>The branch is next to the big building on the right side.</special>
            <street>Teststreet 1</street>
            <zip>110 00</zip>
                <description>In operation.</description>
            <directions>You walk straight from the bus station, the left.</directions>
            <directionsCar>You drive on the main street, then right.</directionsCar>
            <directionsPublic>Subway A, or tram 1</directionsPublic>
            <labelName>Prague 1, Teststreet 1</labelName>
                <compactShort>&lt;strong&gt;Po–Pá&lt;/strong&gt; 10:00–19:00</compactShort>
                <compactLong>&lt;strong&gt;Po–Pá&lt;/strong&gt; 10:00–19:00</compactLong>
                    &lt;table class=&#039;packetery-hours&#039;&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;th&gt;Po&lt;/th&gt;&lt;td&gt;10:00–19:00&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;
                        <hours>10:00–13:30, 16:00–17:30</hours>
            <name>Czech Carrier</name>
            <labelName>Carrier 1</labelName>


Root element of the document

<export xmlns="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        See documentation for "<contacts>" element
        See documentation for "<branches>" element
        See documentation for "<carriers>" element
Name Type Description
contacts Container Container for <contact> elements.
branches Container Container for <branch> elements.
carriers Container Container for <carrier> elements.


Contained exactly once by <export>.

Contains contacts for customer support for all countries.

        See documentation for "<contact>" element


Contained once or many times by <contacts>.

Contains basic information about customer support for each country.

    <phone>+420 216 216 516</phone>
    <businessHours>Po-Pá 08:00 – 20:00 hod.</businessHours>
Name Type Description
country String Country code of the customer support's country.
phone String Phone number of the customer support.
email String Email of the customer support.
businessHours String Customer support business hours.


Contained exactly once by <export>.

        See documentation for "<branch>" element


Contained many times by <branches>.

Represents a branch.

    <name>Prague 1, Teststreet 1</name>
    <special>The branch is next to the big building on the right side.</special> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <street>Teststreet 1</street>
    <zip>110 00</zip>
        See documentation for "<status>" element
    <exportedUntil>2017-07-01</exportedUntil> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <enterableUntil>2017-08-01</enterableUntil> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <openSince>2015-07-01</openSince> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <openUntil>2017-07-01</openUntil> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <directions>You walk straight from the bus station, the left.</directions> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <directionsCar>You drive on the main street, then right.</directionsCar> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <directionsPublic>Subway A, or tram 1</directionsPublic> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <holidayStart>2017-07-02</holidayStart> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <holidayEnd>2017-07-03</holidayEndt> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <labelRouting>A--0--000</labelRouting> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <labelName>Prague 1, Teststreet 1</labelName> <!--OPTIONAL-->
        See documentation for "<photos>" element
        See documentation for "<openingHours>" element
Name Type Description
id Integer A unique id.
name String Branch name.
special String Special orientation feature of the location.
place String Name of the place hosting the branch i.e. Baker & Sons bakery.
street String Street name and number.
city String City.
zip String Zip code. Contains spaces based on standard country format.
country String Country code.
currency String Currency code accepted by the branch.
status Container Container for the status code and status message of the branch. See <status>.
displayFrontend Integer Indicates whether the branch is supposed to be shown to the end customer. If the value equals '0', the branch is intended to be used only for your administrative purposes.
exportedUntil Date If the branch is scheduled to close, the field contains date when the branch is last contained in the export. The format is YYYY-MM-DD.
enterableUntil Date If the branch is scheduled to close, the field contains last date when our system will accept packet data for this branch. The format is YYYY-MM-DD.
openUntil Date If the branch is scheduled to close, the field contains last date of the branch being open for pick up of delivered packets. The format is YYYY-MM-DD.
openSince Date If the branch is scheduled to open, the field contains the first date of the branch being open for pick up of delivered packets. The format is YYYY-MM-DD.
directions String HTML directions to the branch.
directionsCar String HTML directions to the branch when travelling by car.
directionsPublic String HTML directions to the branch when travelling via public transport.
wheelchairAccessible String Indicates whether the branch is wheelchair accessible.
creditCardPayment String Indicates whether the branch accepts credit card as payment option.
dressingRoom Integer Indicates whether the branch has a dressing room.
claimAssistant Integer Indicates whether the branch accepts Claim Assistant packets.
packetConsignment Integer Indicates whether the branch accepts packet consignment.
latitude Decimal Latitude.
longitude Decimal Longitude.
url String URL with branch information.
maxWeight Integer Maximal weight of the packet the branch is able to handle.
holidayStart Date The date of the start of the holiday. If the branch is contiuously closed for at least 7 days, the time is considered a holiday. This field is present at most 14 days before the start of the holiday.
holidayEnd Date The date of the end of the holiday.
labelRouting String Routing code of the branch. Used for custom labels.
labelName String Branch name for printing on custom labels.
photos Container Container for <photo> elements.
openingHours Container Container for opening hours information. See <openingHours> documentation.


Contained once by <branches>.

Contains a status code and a message. The language of the status message is determined by the lang GET parameter. If no lang parameter is supplied, default value en is used.

<description>In operation.</description>
Name Type Description
statusId Integer Numeric code of branch status.
description String Text message of the branch status in chosen language.


Status code Description
1 In operation.
2 Temporarily closed due to holiday.
3 Temporarily does not receive packets due to exceeded capacity.
4 Temporarily does not receive packets due to technical reasons.
5 The branch has ended cooperation and no longer accepts new packets.


Contained zero to many times by <photos> element.

<photo> <!--OPTIONAL-->
Name Type Description
thumbnail String URL of a thumbnail image 160px*120px.
normal String URL of a image 720px*540px.


Contained once by <branch> element.

    <compactShort><strong>Po–Pá</strong> 09:00–16:30</compactShort>
    <compactLong><strong>Po–Pá</strong> 09:00–16:30</compactLong>
        <table class='packetery-hours'><tr><th>Po</th><td>09:00–16:30</td></tr> <tr><th>Út</th><td>09:00–16:30</td></tr> <tr><th>St</th><td>09:00–16:30</td></tr> <tr><th>Čt</th><td>09:00–16:30</td></tr> <tr><th>Pá</th><td>09:00–16:30</td></tr> <tr><th>So</th><td></td></tr> <tr><th>Ne</th><td></td></tr></table>
        See documentation for "<regular>" element
        See documentation for "<upcoming>" element
        See documentation for "<exceptions>" element
Name Type Description
compactShort String HTML range representation of opening hours.
compactLong String Contains value of <compactShort> possibly with some additional info.
tableLong String HTML table with packetery-hours class containing the opening hours.
regular Container Container for opening hours by day. See documentation for <regular> element.
upcoming Container Container for upcoming opening hours by day. See documentation for <upcoming> element.
exceptions Container Container for <exception> elements.


Contained once by <openingHours> element.

Contains opening hours for each day in day-named elements. In the table below we only show <monday> since the same applies for other week days.

Name Type Description
monday String Range representation of opening hours for the day.


Contained once by <openingHours> element.

Contains upcoming opening hours for each day in day-named elements along with an element indicating when the new opening hours start. In the table below we only show <monday> since the same applies for other week days.

Name Type Description
monday String Range representation of opening hours for the day.
startDate Date The day on which the new opening hours come to effect.


Contained once by <openingHours> element.

    <exception> <!--OPTIONAL-->
        See documentation for "<exception>" element


Contained none or many times by <exceptions> element.

<exception> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <hours>10:00–13:30, 16:00–17:30</hours> <!--OPTIONAL-->
Name Type Description
date Date Date of the opening hours exception.
hours String Range representation of opening hours for the day. If omitted, the branch is closed on that day.


Contained exactly once by <export>.

    <carrier> <!--OPTIONAL-->
        See documentation for "<carrier>" element


Contained none or many times by <carriers>.

Represents a carrier.

<carrier> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <name>Czech Carrier</name>
    <labelRouting>A--0--000</labelRouting> <!--OPTIONAL-->
    <labelName>Carrier 1</labelName> <!--OPTIONAL-->
Name Type Description
id Integer A unique id.
name String Carrier name.
available Boolean Indicates whether the carrier is available for delivery.
pickupPoints Boolean Indicates whether the carrier offers its own pickup points. Please refer to our carrier pick up points documentation for more information.
apiAllowed Boolean Indicates whether the carrier supports direct label printing, ie. whether the label is available via packetCourierLabelPdf(), packetCourierLabelPng() and packetsCourierLabelsPdf() methods.
separateHouseNumber Boolean Indicates whether the carrier requires a descriptive number to be entered in the houseNumber parameter.
customsDeclarations Boolean Indicates whether the carrier requires the completion of customs declarations in the CustomsDeclaration parameter - custom declarations documentation.
requiresEmail Boolean Indicates whether the carrier requires an email.
requiresPhone Boolean Indicates whether the carrier requires a phone number.
requiresSize Boolean Indicates whether the carrier requires size.
disallowsCod Boolean If true is marked, it is not possible to send a cash on delivery shipment through this carrier.
country String Country code.
currency String Currency code accepted by the carrier.
maxWeight Integer Maximal weight of the packet the carrier is able to handle.
labelRouting String Routing code of the carrier. Used for custom labels.
labelName String Carrier name for printing on custom labels.